After years of both standing by and building, a lot happened at once.
Some examples: After waiting for months I was able to see an optometrist and replace my chipped-frame crooked bifocals. My husband began taking apart the entire kitchen to refresh the colors. I got a confidence-boosting haircut. Some pieces came together for in-person work. My business ticked up. And, I had this pretty big blank spot in my schedule.
I’m going to tell you what I did in that time, but not yet. Just know that it scared me, which is not always a bad thing! I took a jump off the edge and had to have a boatload of trust in, well, everything. But if a coach isn’t willing to do that, how can she expect that of you?
More to come … soon!
Susan McDowell is a life coach based in Central Vermont.
Are you ready to jump into something? Are you unsure? Either way, Personal Coaching can help.
Good to hear things are “jumping” and I, for one, totally trust you to land on both feet in great places.
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